Grace Foundation Solutions are renowned for specialist foundation repairs and maintenance.
See below for some of our impressive repairs.
Saving Westmere Home - Foundation Repair
Why did the customer contact Grace Foundations?
Having worked with our team on previous projects the client reached out to Richard Ushaw for a serious solution to a serious problem. The home was built in the 1940’s right on slope overlooking the local native bushes. Although it was in a great location, the home had seen better days.
During Richard’s foundation inspection he measured over 200mm of settling taking place in the north-western corner of the home! That’s -200mm difference from the front door to the corner of the property. We see settled foundations daily, but it isn’t every day that you see a home that’s settled 200mm!
What solutions did Grace Foundation Solutions provide?
While performing the foundation inspection, Richard drew up a scaled CAD diagram of the home to accurately note the floor elevation measurements throughout. Once the drawing was complete, he was able to re-view the home similarly to a topographic map to get a better idea of what was happening with the foundation. It also allowed him to design an accurate repair plan for the home.
In his repair plan, Richard suggested a full relevel of the home with the installation of 18 underpins. At the base of these underpins were concrete fingers extending 3.6mters into the ground thus providing a stable and secure extended foundation into the local Geotech tested terra-ferma. 15m3 of 25mpa concrete was used, along with just over 100 meters of stapling for crack stitching. Adam and his crew made quick work of the project before recovering almost 180mm of lift before locking the structure into place to ensure no settling or movement ever again in the future. All finished off a light touch of top soil and grassing to ensure the property grounds would recover after such a serious and successful operation.
